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Anandmurti Gurumaa Yoga Nidra

GurumaaAnandmurti Gurumaa Yoga Nidra

In today's modern times, when man has lost touch with his innate wisdom, mental peace and equilibrium, this book is a gift to mankind from the very personification of compassion itself, Her Holiness Anandmurti Gurumaa. Apart from elucidating some of the common afflictions of modern times - stress, heart disease and hypertension, their background, prevention and remedies, this book specifically elaborates on the various yoga asanas, pranayamas, shatkarmas and the immeasurable benefits of yoga nidra. In a nutshell, this book is a boon for all those who are in search of all encompassing health, wellbeing and conscious living.

Gurumaa Satsang

Yoga nidra meditation

A Written Guide To Yoga Nidra: December 15, 2009 by Carole Bourne 1 Comment. Guest post by Dr.Rita Khanna “Time is non refundable. Spend it wisely” Yoga Nidra means, “sleep with awareness.” It is an effective way of achieving relaxation physically, mentally, and emotionally. Dawn of war soulstorm map pack. Series of intriguing questions on Yoga Nidra answered by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa.