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Futsal Made In Brazil

  1. Futsal Made In Brazil 2017

Penalty Brazil Ultra MD Football Boots - Black/White. Hand made in Brazil, this Ultra MD football boot has a stylish and conservative design. Crafted with sensor leather and Celeron sole for stand out performance. Rp 50000,-/DVD PERTANDINGAN FUTSAL = BELI 10 JUDUL GRATIS 1 - Rp 20000,-/DVD PELATIHAN FUTSAL = BELI 10 JUDUL GRATIS 1 - Format: DVD - masing2 judul punya format sendiri & ngga.

The culture of Brazil is primarily, but presents a very diverse nature showing that an ethnic and cultural mixing occurred in the colonial period involving mostly of the coastal and most accessible riverine areas,. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, together with further waves of Portuguese colonization, Austrians, ( and ),and, playing an important role in its culture as it started to shape a and.As consequence of three centuries of by the, the core of Brazilian culture is derived from the. The numerous Portuguese inheritances include the, cuisine items such as and, the predominant and the. These aspects, however, were influenced by African and Indigenous American traditions, as well as those from other Western European countries. Some aspects of Brazilian culture are contributions of, and other. People and played a large role in the formation of Brazilian language, cuisine, music, dance and religion.This diverse cultural background has helped show off many celebrations and festivals that have become known around the world, such as the and the.

Futsal Made In Brazil 2017

The colourful culture creates an environment that makes Brazil a popular destination for many tourists each year, around over 1 million. The Brazilian people have several ethnic groups.

First row: (, and respectively). Second row:, ( cafuzo, mulato and, respectively) and (Amerindian) Brazilians.Brazil was a colony of for over three centuries. About a million Portuguese settlers arrived during this period and brought their culture to the colony. The had much contact with the colonists. Many became extinct, others mixed with the Portuguese. For that reason, Brazil also holds influences in its culture, mainly in its food and language.

Brazilian Portuguese has hundreds of words of Indigenous American origin, mainly from the., who were brought as to Brazil, also participated actively in the formation of Brazilian culture. Although the Portuguese colonists forced their slaves to convert to and speak Portuguese their cultural influences were absorbed by the inhabitants of Brazil of all and origins. Some regions of Brazil, especially, have particularly notable African inheritances in music, cuisine, dance and language.from, and the played an important role in the areas they settled (mostly and ).

Futsal Made In Brazil

They organized communities that became important cities such as, and brought important contributions to the culture of Brazil. Language. InThe official language of Brazil is Portuguese. It is spoken by about 99% of the population, making it one of the strongest elements of national identity. There are only some Amerindian groups and small pockets of immigrants who do not speak Portuguese.Similarly to American English and Canadian French, is more phonetically conservative or archaic than the language of the colonizing metropolis, maintaining several features that European Portuguese had before the 19th century.Also similarly to the American English, the Brazilian regional variation as well as the include a small number of words of and origin, mainly restricted to placenames and fauna and flora.Minority languages are spoken throughout the nation. One hundred and eighty are spoken in remote areas and a number of other languages are spoken by immigrants and their descendants. There are significant communities of (mostly the, a dialect) and (mostly the, of origin) speakers in the south of the country, both of which are influenced by the Portuguese language.


Not to mention the Slavic communities, Ukrainians and Poles which are also part of these minority languages.The (not signed Portuguese – it likely is descended from the ), known by the acronym LIBRAS, is officially recognized by law, albeit using it alone would convey a very limited degree of accessibility, throughout the country.Religion. The is the second largest in the world, only after the in.About 2/3 of the population are. Catholicism was introduced and spread largely by the, who arrived in 1549 during the colonization with the mission of converting the Indigenous people.

The Society of Jesus played a large role in the formation of Brazilian religious identity until their expulsion of the country by the in the 18th century.In recent decades Brazilian society has witnessed a rise in. Between 1940 and 2010, the percentage of Roman Catholics fell from 95% to 64.6%, while the various Protestant rose from 2.6% to 22.2%. Main article:The is an annual held forty-six days before.

Carnival celebrations are believed to have roots in the festival of, which, adapted to Christianity, became a farewell to bad things in a season of religious discipline to practice repentance and prepare for Christ's death and resurrection.Carnaval is the most famous in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions. For almost a week festivities are intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities.The typical genres of music of Brazilian carnival are: and (in and ), and (in, and )Cuisine (Gastronomy). The national dish of Brazil, contains cooked with, and other meats.Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region. This diversity reflects the country's history and mix of indigenous and immigrant cultures. This has created a national cooking style, marked by the preservation of regional differences. Since the imperial period, the, a Portuguese stew with origins in Ancient Rome, has been the country's national dish. Wrote that, having been revised and adapted in each region of the country, it is no longer just a dish, but has become a complete food.

Arrufos ( The Spat), by, symbol of Brazilian realism.The oldest known examples of Brazilian art are in in the state of, dating back to c. In and have been found more recent examples showing geometric patterns and animal forms. One of the most sophisticated kinds of artifact found in Brazil is the sophisticated pottery (c. 800–1400 AD), from cultures flourishing on and around the region of, and statuettes and cult objects, such as the small carved-stone amulets called, also belong to these cultures. Many of the worked in Brazil under the influence of the, the dominant style in Brazil until the early 19th century. The flourished in and and, generating valuable artists like and especially the sculptor-architect.In 1816, the created the and imposed a new concept of artistic education and was the basis for a revolution in Brazilian painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic arts, and crafts. A few decades later, under the personal patronage of Emperor, who was engaged in an ambitious national project of modernization, the Academy reached its golden age, fostering the emergence of the first generation of Romantic painters, whence and, that, among others, produced lasting visual symbols of national identity.

It must be said that in in painting took a peculiar shape, not showing the overwhelming dramaticism, or interest in death and the bizarre commonly seen in the European version, and because of its academic and palatial nature all excesses were eschewed. Nude woman crouching, modernist work undated.The beginning of the 20th century saw a struggle between old schools and modernist trends.

Important modern artists and were both early pioneers in modern art in the country, and are amongst the better known figures of the Anthropophagic Movement, whose goal was to 'swallow' modernity from Europe and the US and 'digest' it into a genuinely Brazilian modernity. Both participated of The festival, held in in 1922, that renewed the artistic and cultural environment of the city and also presented artists such as,.

Based on Brazilian folklore, many artists have committed themselves to mix it with the proposals of the European,. From Surrealism, arises, concerned with metaphysical subjects where their pictures appear on imaginary scenarios and averse to any recognizable reference. In the next generation, the modernist ideas of the Week of Modern Art have affected a moderate modernism that could enjoy the freedom of the strict academic agenda, with more features conventional method, best exemplified by the artist, which was the official artist of the government in mid-century.In recent years, names such as Oscar Araripe, and have been well acclaimed.Architecture. Poet and novelist whose work extends for almost all, is widely regarded as the greatest Brazilian writer.Literature in Brazil dates back to the 16th century, to the writings of the first Portuguese explorers in Brazil, such as, filled with descriptions of, and that amazed Europeans that arrived in Brazil. When Brazil became a colony of Portugal, there was the 'Jesuit Literature', whose main name was father, a Portuguese who became one of the most celebrated Baroque writers of the Portuguese language. A few more explicitly literary examples survive from this period, 's epic poem celebrating the conquest of the Missions by the Portuguese, and the work of, who produced a sizable amount of satirical, religious, and secular poetry.

Was widespread in Brazil during the mid-18th century, following the style.Brazil produced significant works in – novelists like and wrote novels about love and pain. Alencar, in his long career, also treated Indigenous people as heroes in the Indigenist novels,. The French was also introduced in Brazil by the likes of, whose and are national symbols of the., considered one of the national poets, sang the Brazilian people and the Brazilian land on the famous (1843), known to every Brazilian schoolchild. Also dates from this period, although his work has hatched in, whose works include, and who is widely regarded as the most important writer of Brazilian literature. Assis is also highly respected around the world. Main article:Television has played a large role in the formation of the contemporary Brazilian popular culture.

It was introduced in 1950 by and remains the country's most important element of.are a marking feature in Brazilian television, usually being broadcast in prime time on most major television networks. Telenovelas are similar in concept to in English-speaking countries but differ from them in duration, telenovelas being significantly shorter (usually about 100 to 200 episodes). They are widely watched throughout the country, to the point that they have been described as a significant element in national identity and unity, and have been exported to over 120 countries. Folklore Brazilian folklore includes many, and religious rituals. Characters include the, the, the and the, which has spawned the famous June festival in. Social Media Social media in Brazil is the use of social networking applications in this South American nation.

This is due to economic growth and the increasing availability of computers and smartphones. Brazil is the world's second-largest user of (at 41.2 million tweeters), and largest market for outside the United States. In 2012, average time spent on Facebook increased 208% while global use declined by 2%. In 2013, Brazil ranked the second highest number of Facebook users globally at 65 million.

During this period, social media users in Brazil spent on average 9.7 hours a month online.


A few weeks ago I returned from a trip to Brazil. With the season over for the summer in Europe, I wanted to keep active. At that time it is the middle of the Brazilian season so I decided to go there so I could train with top players but also to experience the sport in the country that has the greatest futsal history. While I was there I saw games from all levels, including men’s and women’s as well as seeing training sessions at different age groups plus amateur matches. Below is a report on the trip. I went to visit a team in Sao Caetano which is a city adjoined to the huge metropolis of Sao Paulo.

This is a region that is a hotbed of futsal, with several top sides in close proximity. The city of Sao Caetano has a strong history in the sport.

They had a team called General Motors in the early part of the last decade and it was one of the best teams ever seen in the history of futsal with players such as Betao, Falcao, Manoel Tobias, Schumacher, Simi, Vander, Vander Carioca and Vinicius all at the same club. Towards the end of my trip all the local senior teams were traveling away (they usually travel together) and wouldn’t return before I left so without anyone else to train with I spent a couple of days with Corinthians U20. They train twice a day and the club provides food, accommodation and a salary for the players. They are one of the best in the country at this age group (they just won the national U20 Championship) so it was a great chance to see what the next generation of Brazilian players are like. My view is there needs to be a balance as too much focus on systems and performing tactical movements at youth level can be detrimental, as I have seen sometimes in Spain. First of all you need the technical foundations to build the tactics on or otherwise they are pointless. For example, there is no point knowing what to do when the pivot has the ball if the players don’t have the technique to make the pass to the pivot.

Secondly there is a risk that with teaching a lot of tactics to young players they can imitate the tactical action but don’t possess the essential understanding of why and when to do it. In Brazil they have a separate federation for futsal, though a relationship exists with the football association, which means the ultimate objective of the organisation is to develop futsal. In football federations the people in charge of futsal often have no interest in the sport and only wish to protect their position, progress would affect the status quo and they may be replaced with more knowledgeable people. If we have a separate federation there is more chance that these people have an interest in the development of futsal.