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Smbstatus No Locked Files


Best ps3 local multiplayer games. Smbstatus no locked files Europol has also announced new partners for No-More hostage: The Cypriot and Estonian police are the later police,.

If you need to share files between a Windows and a Unix or Linux system,you can use, which is free software that implements the same networkingprotocol that Microsoft Windows use to share files between systems.If you don't already have it on your system, you can download it from.If you have a Solaris 10 system, the Samba software is likely already on thesystem and you will likely just need to configure it. If you type ls/usr/sfw/bin/smb. and see smblicent, smbstatus, etc.then you already have it on the system. If not, try find / -namesmbclient to look for it.If you have an account already on thesystem from which you wish to share files or folders you can use it andcan skip to. But supposing you wish to create a new account specifically forsharing files to a Windows system, then follow the steps below. This explanationwas written specifically for sharing files from a Xerox DocuSP system, but isgenerally applicable to setting up Samba on any Sun Solaris 10 system.Adding a New Account.While logged into the system from another account, right-click somewhereon the desktop and choose Hosts then Terminal Console.Switch to the root account, if you aren't already logged into that accountwith su - root. Add a new user account with the useradd command.# useradd -u 40022 -g staff -c 'DocuSP folder sharing' -m -s /usr/bin/bash docusp01 -u specifies the userid.

It should be one not already used on thesystem. You can type cat /etc/passwd to see all of the accountson the system. The UID value is the number after the second colon in eachline.-g specifies the group the account belongs to and can bestaff, if you don't have another group you wish to use.-c allows you to put a comment in the entry.-m specifies that a home directory be created for the new user.In this case it will be /export/home/docusp01. Itis in the form basedir/accountname where basedir is thebase directory for the new home directories and accountname is the name forthe new account.-s specifies theto usefor the new account, which in this case theshell, which is locatedin /usr/bin.The final parameter on the line is the account name to create, i.e.docusp01 in this case. It will need to be 8 characters or less inlength.Set a password for the account.# passwd docusp01If you need to later change any parameters for the account, you can usethe usermod command.Now that you have created the account you wish to use, you can configureSamba support for that account.You need to edit /etc/sfw/smb.conf (You may wish to create abackup copy first), e.g. Cp -p /etc/sfw/smb.conf/etc/sfw/smb.conf.old.Change the line workgroup = WORKGROUP to match whateverworkgroup or domain you use for your Windows systems, e.g.workgroup = SOMECOMPANY.You can also change server string to be whatever you wish.I changed it from the default of server string = XXP240250to the following:server string = Xerox DocuColor 250Choose which systems should have access to shared folders on the Solaris systemby adding a hosts allow line.


There is one in the smb.conffile to show you how to configure this line, but it is commented out.# hosts allow = 192.168.1. my systems are on a subnet, i.e. Systems have an addressof 192.168.0.x and use a subnet mask of, I could allow accessfrom any system on the subnet by using or192.168.0. If I only want to allow access from two specificsystems, say and, plus the Solaris system itself fortesting using the loopback address, I would add the following line:hosts allow = you wish to set a maximum size for the log file that records informationabout Samba connections, find #max log size = 50, removethe comment character, # and change the number to whaterveryou wish to use, e.g. 16384 for 16 MB.I also uncommented the line that specifies where the log file is located, butchanged the line from:#log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%mTo the following line instead:log file = /var/log/samba/log.%mI also created a samba directory under /var/log to hold theSamba logs and then changed its protection so only root can view the logs.# mkdir /var/log/samba# chmod 700 /var/log/sambaAt the end of the smb.conf file, you can add information about thefolder you wish to share.

In this case for the DocuSP system, I want to sharethe folder/var/spool/XRXnps/saved. I want to make it browseable from theWindows systems to which I am granting access, but I don't want them tobe able to add files or modify files in the directory.

C:net view /domain:frostincServer Name Remark-FROSTINC26 Cindy's Dell Dimension 3000PCWORKSTATION Gateway Profile 4SIP-8 Xerox DocuColor 250The command completed successfully.But to allow access from a Windows PC using the account I created,I needed to set a Samba password for the docusp01 account I created on theSolaris system. You canuse the smbpasswd command to create a Samba password for theaccount that can be used to access the shared folder from a Windows system.This can be the same as the one you use for logging into the account underSolaris, but doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the password forthe account.# /usr/sfw/bin/smbpasswd -a docusp01New SMB: password:The -a specifies that you are adding a new account password ratherthan changing an existing one.

When I first ran the command I received theerror message shown below.# /usr/sfw/bin/smbpasswd docusp01New SMB password:Retype new SMB password:startsmbfilepwentinternal: file /opt/XRXnps/XRXsamba/private/smbpasswd did not exist. Couldn't create new one. Error was: No such file or directoryUnable to open passdb database.Failed to find entry for user docusp01.Failed to modify password entry for user docusp01In the /etc/sfw/smb.conf file, the lines below appeared:# You may wish to use password encryption.

  • From one windows workstation I open a file e. Text file (file.txt) the smbstatus shows DENYWRITE and everything seems right. Could not get share mode lock for file data/file.txt I noticed the same situation with share based on UFS. global dos charset = CP852 unix charset = ISO8859-2.
  • If I do not the file by double clicking in Explorer but about LibreOffice. R:temp On this NAS, i do a 'smbstatus' (after the 'copy' is finished!).

.smbstatus — report on current Samba connectionssmbstatus       This tool is part of the suite.smbstatus is a very simple program to list the current Samba connections. If samba has been compiled with the profiling option, print only the contents of the profiling shared memory area. If samba has been compiled with the profiling option, print the contents of the profiling shared memory area and the call rates.

Smbstatus No Locked Files

How To Delete Locked Files

gives brief output. =levellevel is an integer from 0 to 10. The default value if this parameter is not specified is 0.The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log files about the activities of the server. At level 0, only critical errors and serious warnings will be logged.

Level 1 is a reasonable level for day-to-day running - it generates a small amount of information about operations carried out.Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and should only be used when investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log data, most of which is extremely cryptic.Note that specifying this parameter here will override the log level parameter in the smb.conf file. Prints the program version number. =The file specified contains the configuration details required by the server. The information in this file includes server-specific information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions of all the services that the server is to provide.

See smb.conf for more information. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time. =logdirectoryBase directory name for log/debug files. The extension '.progname' will be appended (e.g. Log.smbclient, log.smbd, etc.).

The log file is never removed by the client. Set the option ' to value ' from the command line. This overrides compiled-in defaults and options read from the configuration file. gives verbose output.

causes smbstatus to only list locks. causes smbstatus to include byte range locks. print a list of processes and exit. Useful for scripting. causes smbstatus to only list shares. causes smbstatus to display registered file notifications causes smbstatus to not check if the status data is valid by checking if the processes that the status data refer to all still exist.

This speeds up execution on busy systems and clusters but might display stale data of processes that died without cleaning up properly. Print a summary of command line options. =selects information relevant to username only.

Remove Locked File

causes smbstatus to display numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of resolving them to names.This man page is part of version 4.11.0 of the Samba suite.and.The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed.