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Manual Para Armar Una Maquina Arcade


Much of the material I used what I had at home, wood, computer, etc. But what we need is the following:1x Old PC (I have a P4, with an 80 Gb HDD)1x LCD Screen 17' (o whatever you have)1x9x1xvarious woods, I used 10mm MDF.How to connect the buttons and joystick to the computer is done with the controller Jamma to USB, I had include a picture with the wiring. Once everything is connected to the board plug to computer's USB port and it recognizes it as a joystick you can configure by software. I made in Windows XP, which is the O.S. I used for the emulator. I donĀ“t try in LINUX yet, but I would try with a big brother of this machine I had in my mind. Mucho del material que he usado lo tenia por casa, madera, ordenador, etc.

Pero lo que vamos a necesitar es lo siguiente:1x Ordenador antiguo (en mi caso un P4, con HDD de 80 Gb)1x pantalla LCD 17' (o lo que tengais disponible)1x9x1xmaderas varias, yo he usado DM de 10mm.La forma de conectar los botones y joystick al ordenador se hace con el controlador Jamma a USB, incluyo una imagen con el cableado. Una vez conexionado todo se conecta la placa a un puerto USB del ordenador y este lo reconoce como un joystick al que puedes configurar por software. Yo solo lo he probado en Windows XP, que es el S.O. Que he usado para el emulador.

Como mi idea es hacer un maquina pero en grande, intentare con LINUX, a ver que tal. We put the speakers (I have a couple of recycling old PC speakers, as we can see with independent amplification) As the games were not exactly high fidelity, serve to spare. We also put the power supply, the computer and the screen. The hard disk is located under the controls. Ponemos los altavoces (los he reciclado de un par de altavoces antiguos de PC, como podemos ver tienen amplificacion independiente) Como los juegos no eran precisamente Alta Fidelidad, nos sirven de sobra. Tambien ponemos la Fuente de Alimentacion, el ordenador y la pantalla. El disco duro va situado debajo de los controles.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the inspiration provided by your post. If like me you've been dreaming of building one of these bad boys for a while but thought it couldn't be done.

Give it a go.:) It's been a great learning experience (especially for someone with very little DIY experience) and the result is a lot of fun. My version's not exactly one for the purists but it's an absolute retro gamer's joy. When I get the chance I'll write up my experiences and share some of the pitfalls and solutions I found.

Thanks again Paxpan. Like it a lot! Inspired by your build I've been working on my own cabinet but I'm stuck where it comes to connecting the buttons to the USB controller. This is the interface I've got: The pin configuration is a bit different to the JAMMA controller you've posted a picture of, however I can cope with reconfiguring the connection to the pins. The problem I've got is that you haven't numbered or labelled the buttons as shown on your diagram - and the picture shows only 8 buttons and the joystick. My question is, as per your plate/button layout, have you connected it as: 1,2,3 4,5,6 And what did you do with the other three buttons?

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Manual Para Armar Una Maquina Arcade Machine

Are they being used as '1 player', '2 player' and 'Coin in'? (If so what connections are you making to your USB controller?) For my interface would you connect to buttons 7,8,9? Or 'Select/BTN9', 'Start/BTN10' and???? And are you having to do any keyboard mapping in MAME to get the buttons to work? Any help or advice would be much appreciated!