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Nxt Light Sensor Calibration Program


Ford, I have a color sensor and I have a little bit of free time over the next few days, so I can fiddle with this a bit. I assume you're ok with the way it reads the RGB values. Are you just looking for a way to 'calibrate' the detected colors?What I'm envisioning is a program that you would run on your own. It would let you hold the sensor up to a variety of different items and show you the RGB values of each. When you like what you see, you would hit a button and have the points stored in a local file. Then, when you use the sensor later, the data file would be read. When the sensor values are polled, they would look to see which of the stored color points is closest to what it sees, and return that as the 'color' value.Would that suit your needs?Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:38 pm.

  1. Nxt Light Sensor Calibration Program For Pc
  2. Nxt Programs

Then there is the calibration problem. The Color Sensor block in calibration mode does not work on the NXT brick. The EV3 can also program around that using file operations. Finally, there is the memory problem. The new firmware leaves a bit less memory available on the NXT. Calibrate from NXTPrograms.com How to Calibrate the Light Sensor There are two ways to calibrate the light sensor: using the method built in to the NXT programming software, or using a (somewhat friendlier) calibration program provided below. After calibrating, we again show the value of the light sensor on the screen. We take the MyBlock DisplayLightSensor. Now, as I start the robot, it shows the value of the sensor, again 53, we calibrate it, to make the brightest object with a value around 100, and after the calibration the new value was a 100.

The color 'names ' may be a little faulty, but at the white color you may see clearly, that the 3 color values are not identical as they should be.the reason was that the calibration definetively was faulty, and I couldn't re-calibrate ist.So I sent the sensor to Hitechnic, and THEA managed to re-calibrate it. As thea wrote, the sensor now should work correctly.But for the future it's neccessary to have such a calibrating program, cause I won't want to send it each time from germany to the US just for recalibrating If this works with NXC, why shouldn't it work with ROBOTC? If this works with NXC, why shouldn't it work with ROBOTC?I'm just guessing here, but I don't think NXC would be doing anything more than just directly reading the RGB and color values from the sensor. Are you saying that when you tried the code with NXC (before getting the sensor re-calibrated) that it gave back better RGB values than you were getting from the sample code in RobotC?

(IE - before sending your sensor back, RobotC had high blue values, but NXC didn't?)In any case, I'm still having some fun fiddling with the color sensor for my own purposes. I'll post some code in a few days for those who are interested in giving it a try.Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:37 pm.

Ok, I think I figured out what you're looking for. Is it this?Apparently, the sensor itself has (or had) a way to re-calibrate for white and black. I'll see if I can find out more. Hopefully, it will be as easy as setting a register value while holding up white and black pieces of paper and then you'll be all set.More to come soon.Edit: It definitely looks like the calibration routines are generally accessible. Lejos seems to have them available, so I'm going to work backwards from their code to figure out what needs to be done:Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:06 pm. Just more notes for people who are interested:It looks like you set the configuration mode by writing to register 0x41 over I2C.

(The HiTechnic specs refer to that as a 'command' register, reserved for future use.) Writing a 0x42 appears to enter 'black level' calibration. 0x43 is used for 'white balance.' Code coming soon after I get a chance to test it.Edit: Xander, sorry, it looks like you've already written code for this.

I really should learn to read the whole thread before I get into things. Your code looks like it only does the white cal, though. I'm giving it a try and I'll add the black/ambient calibration as well.Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:23 pm. You can recalibrate the color sensor by using an I2C write command and write 0x43 to location 0x41. Note that the sensor MUST be facing a white target surface at the prescribed distance before executing the calibrate otherwise the sensor may not work at all until successfully recalibrated.

Nxt Light Sensor Calibration Program For Pc

Review the instructions for calibrating I previously sent to you.Once the calibrate command has been sent to the sensor it will complete the calibration in about ½ a second and then reset and be ready to use as normal.but instead of 50-50-50 (red-green-blue) for 'white' my sensor always showed 70-70-100. If the white calibration had worked correctly, there should have been at least something like 70-70-70 or 100-100-100 instead. Maybe it's because of passing an array of int?Edit:I only tried the sensor with RobotC, I don't use NXC or NXT-G so far.The faulty colors have been detected by me only with my RobotC program (see above).My problem is not reading, but calibrating.A calibrating program for NXT-G exists, but I don't have NXT-G, so I cant use this program (and actually I hate NXT-G).Because the RobotC calibrating program didn't work, I sent the sensor to HT, they calibrated it with Lego software, and now it works fine (as they said).What do the developers say to this?

Plz give them a chance to reply! Mightor,Out of curiosity, is there any good way to avoid bus errors? I've noticed, for example, that if I run your code without any modifications, it doesn't have any problem.

If I wait, though, and display some text, then hijack the buttons and wait for a specific key press, there is a bus error after the key press.But - if I wait again between the key press and the I2C command, there isn't any bus error (1/2 second seems sufficient).Have you seen things like this before? Or am I just having a bad day with I2C?Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:19 am.

Super games columbus. There are no good ways to avoid bus errors, however, I am working on a driver that automatically recovers from this kind of thing without user intervention. It's all part of a frame work I am, well, working on. I am not sure why this error would occur. Perhaps you should submit it to the Mantis database with some instructions on how to recreate the error. Then Dick can have a look at it By the way, what speed are you using the sensor at?

Nxt Light Sensor Calibration Program

Nxt Programs

Normal, Faster or Fastest? Try the normal speed to see if the problem still occurs.Regards,Xander.